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- Anne Rainey
So Sensitive Page 3
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Page 3
“Staying. Got a problem with that, Gracie?”
The night? He’d be able to see her while she slept. What if she snored? “You can’t stay.”
He stretched out his legs and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not leaving you alone here while some asshole has his sights set on you.
I’m staying.”
She tried another tactic. “You can’t sleep in that chair. I’m not even sure you’re al owed to stay past visiting hours. You aren’t even family. Be reasonable, Wade. I’m in a hospital surrounded by people. I’m perfectly safe.”
“I’m ex-military and a PI. I can sleep just fine in this chair. And hospital or not, I’m not leaving you unguarded.”
What could she say to that? It was impossible to argue with a gorgeous man bent on protecting a woman with his very body. “Suit yourself, but don’t blame me for the crick in your neck tomorrow.”
“Sleep, Gracie. Don’t worry about my neck. I’ve slept in worse places.”
She wanted to pursue that, real y she did, but she was too exhausted. Fatigue settled in around her.
Sometime in the middle of the night a nurse came in and took blood. Wade sprang to attention the instant the door creaked open. As she started to drift back off, she felt Wade’s hand against hers, his thumb stroking her knuckles. The light, soothing gesture worked better than any sleeping pil on the market.
“She’s going to be fine, Cherry,” Wade whispered to keep from waking the sleeping beauty. Damn, just looking at her made him see red. Her perfect ivory complexion was now covered in bruises. The bastard would pay for hurting her. “I’ve already got Jonas checking into a few things for me and, as soon as Gracie’s able to leave, I’m going to have her show me those e-mails. Maybe there’s something there that can lead me to this guy.”
“I’m worried about her. I feel responsible. Maybe if I hadn’t hired her, she—”
Wade had known this was coming. “Don’t even go there. This guy would stil be stalking her regardless of where she worked. Which reminds me. Her other job, that office she works at, what does she do there exactly?”
“She’s an administrative assistant. Why?”
“Maybe this guy works with her.” Wade’s gaze went back to Gracie. He remembered the tears he’d seen in her eyes the day before. Damn.
He should’ve tried harder to get some answers then. He’d known something was wrong, but he’d let it go, hadn’t wanted to push. Wel , no more.
He frowned as he realized how easily the woman went to his head.
At first he’d been intrigued by the way she stood up to him. Gracie had chal enged his dominant streak something fierce. And her cute blushes whenever he teased her turned Wade on quicker than anything. But seeing her hurt had al his protective instincts worked up.
Wade had never truly seen the merits of letting a woman get too close. After al , close meant they had the power to crush you, and he wasn’t much into pain. With Gracie, everything was different, he admitted to himself. Hel , he’d damn near beg if it meant she’d give him just a kernel of her trust.
She started to shift around, coming awake. She tried to sit up, and Wade saw her wince. As she opened her eyes and looked over at him and Cherry, he saw emotion, raw and unchecked. It broke his heart to see her so vulnerable. The Gracie he’d come to know was no victim, though. Soon, she’d be back on her feet and driving him crazy.
“I had hoped I’d only dreamed it al .” She looked over at the cast on her wrist. “It would seem not.”
Cherry smiled at her and said, “I’l go let the nurse know you’re awake.”
“Thanks. The sooner the doctor checks me out, the sooner I can get out of here. I hate hospitals.”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Gracie smiled, and Wade relaxed a little. She was going to be fine, and she wasn’t leaving his sight until her stalker was behind bars. “How are you feeling?”
“Achy, but not quite as bad as yesterday.” She pushed a button on the side of the bed, and it lifted her into a sitting position. “I always thought a broken bone would be horribly painful, but I don’t real y feel more than a twinge unless I move it around too much.”
“You’ve got bruises from head to toe. And I think you might have a mark from the seat belt.”
She looked down and seemed to realize how exposed she was in the light blue hospital gown. He’d tried not to look past her neck because every time he did he saw the way her ful breasts fil ed out the top half of the flimsy thing. He felt like a complete ass for even noticing. She’d just been in an accident; the last thing she needed was him ogling her.
She pul ed the sheet up higher and groaned. “I must look horrible right now.”
“You’re alive, Gracie,” he said, as he reached up to push a wayward lock of hair off her forehead. “That’s al that matters.”
She nodded. “You’re right.” Her gaze traveled the length of him, stopping for a heart-pounding few seconds on his crotch before meeting his gaze again. “You stayed al night.”
“I said I would.”
“Why didn’t the nurse kick you out?”
He winked. “She tried, but I can be pretty persuasive when I real y want something.”
She rol ed her eyes and looked away. “Your ego is showing again.”
“It’s not ego, honey. It’s my tenaciousness that kept me on guard al night.”
Gracie bit her lip and fiddled with a loose thread on the sheet. “I’m sorry if I sound unappreciative. I real y am glad you stayed, Wade. I don’t think it was necessary, but I am glad.”
He stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.” Soft as a peach, Wade thought as he dropped his hand. Her skin was so delicate; it pissed him off to see it marred. Goddamn bastard would pay for hurting Gracie. “Now, let’s talk about your coming to stay with me.”
“We had this discussion already.”
“But we never agreed to anything.”
“Fine. Then listen very closely, Wade. I am not coming to stay with you.”
Wade wanted to curse. The woman was too damn stubborn. He schooled his expression and said, “I’m stil going to be your shadow, Gracie.
If you don’t stay at my place, that’s fine, but I’m not letting this asshole get to you.”
“My shadow?”
“Bodyguard. As in I’m watching over you day and night until we find out who this guy is.”
“I can take care of myself. This doesn’t need to be your problem.”
“The instant I saw those tears on your cheeks the other day it became my problem. I’m not about to walk away and leave you to deal with this by yourself. You’d better get used to having me around.”
“If you insist on doing this then I’m paying you. Whatever is your usual rate.”
He stiffened. “No.”
“What do you mean no? ”
He vied for control over his anger. She didn’t need him acting like an overbearing dickhead right now. “I won’t take your money, Gracie.
You’re a friend. I don’t charge my friends.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, her cute little nose shooting in the air. “But I’m a client like any other. What’s the problem?”
“You aren’t any other client, and we both know it.” He planted his fists on the bed by her hips and leaned in close. Damn, he could smel her fril y scent. What the hel was it? It’d always driven him crazy trying to pinpoint the delicious aroma. Like cotton candy and vanil a bean ice cream al rol ed into one. That was Gracie.
“In case you haven’t been paying attention, I’m attracted to you. Hel , that’s a lie. I’m not attracted to you; I’m in lust with you. This is more to me than business. And don’t pretend you haven’t felt the chemistry between us, because that’l just make me mad.”
Her cheeks turned pink. “Okay, I’ve felt it. But I’m in no position to act on it right now. My life is a mess. I know you had to see my dad last
night, drunk and mean as usual. I swear, Wade, if you don’t take my money then I’m going to feel like I owe you, and I hate owing people. I owe you enough as it is. I’m so tired of—”
Wade cut off her ramblings with a gentle kiss. The barely-there touch sent a streak of lightning through his bloodstream. When he pul ed away, Gracie was as stil as a statue. “We’l work something out, honey. It’s going to be okay.”
She nodded, and he wanted to say more, but the door opened, and the doctor came into the room. Wade was ushered into the hal where Cherry and Dante waited.
He went straight to Cherry and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s going to be okay.”
“She’s agreed to come stay with you?”
“I wish, but no. I am, however, going to be her bodyguard until we can figure out who this guy is and catch him.”
“Thank you, Wade.” Cherry pul ed out of his arms and stepped back. Dante placed his hands on her shoulders from behind. Their relationship was so different than the one she’d had with Brody. There hadn’t been much support or comfort in that. Brody had always been too self-absorbed to give a damn about his wife’s needs. It did his heart good to see Cherry so wel loved by Dante.
Thinking about Cherry’s ex reminded Wade that he’d forgotten to tel Cherry about Brody’s phone cal the other day. “Uh, Cherry, I hate to mention this now and risk adding more stress to your day, but Brody cal ed me.”
Cherry nodded. “Yeah, I know. Unfortunately the idiot cal ed me, too.”
“I had a word with him,” Dante muttered.
“A word, huh?” Wade knew better. Dante was protective as hel of Cherry. “You put the fear of God into him, didn’t you?”
Cherry smiled. “I’m pretty sure we’ve heard the last of Brody, Wade.”
“Good,” Wade replied. “That’s one problem solved, at least.”
“I need to ask you something about Gracie,” Cherry said, her eyes fil ed with concern. “Please don’t take it the wrong way.”
He didn’t like the sound of that. “Shoot.”
“What are your intentions toward her?”
He quirked a brow. “My intentions? What are you, her mom?”
Cherry rol ed her eyes. “Of course not, but I am a friend. I don’t want to see her hurt.” She visibly cringed. “No more than she already is, I mean.”
Wade snorted. “I don’t think I’ve made a big secret out of the fact that I want her, Cherry. I have since she started working for you. But I’m not going to push myself down her throat either.”
“She’s vulnerable right now. She needs a friend more than she needs a lover. I know you can see that, Wade.”
“What I see is a woman in need of my help. I’m going to give it to her. If she ends up in my bed it’l be because she wants to be there and not because she was coerced.”
Cherry dragged her slim fingers through her hair, as if frustrated with him. He wasn’t used to her prying into his personal life and he wasn’t sure he liked it one damn bit. Especial y where Gracie was concerned. He was stil trying to figure that one out himself.
“I’ve never seen you like this. What is it about her that makes you so persistent? Is she a chal enge, is that it?”
Wade’s emotions were too close to the surface on this, and he snapped. “You need to back off, Cherry.”
“Watch it, Harrison,” Dante said, interjecting for the first time. He wrapped an arm around Cherry’s middle, pul ing her back against him.
Dante sent him a look of warning over Cherry’s head, and Wade got the message loud and clear.
“Damn it, I’m sorry. I’m pissed that she’s hurt. Pissed I wasn’t there to stop it. Pissed that she didn’t confide in me sooner. She’s been dealing with this prick for two months, and al this time she never said a word.”
Cherry placed her palm against his cheek. He instantly relaxed. “She’s opening up to you now, and that’s al that matters. Just be careful with her. I don’t think she knows how to handle al your . . . attention. She’s a bit innocent when it comes to men, I think.”
He’d noticed that as wel . The first time he’d asked her out to dinner, she’d stammered and blushed like a teenager being asked to go to prom. He’d wondered then just how experienced she was and why someone hadn’t snatched her up already. When she’d turned him down, he’d tried again. Each time she’d declined he’d had the feeling she wanted to say yes, but for whatever reason couldn’t al ow herself. Was it because of the stalker?
Answers would come later. For now, he needed to calm Cherry’s mama bear instincts. “I promise to treat her with kid gloves. Everything wil be fine. You’l see.”
Cherry nodded and started to speak, but the door to Gracie’s room opened, and the doctor stepped out. He looked at the three of them and smiled. “She’s doing fine. I’m writing up a prescription for the pain, but as soon as her paperwork is finished she can go home.”
“That’s great news. Thanks, Doctor Shelton.”
“She wil need to see an orthopedist, and she’s going to need some help with that wrist, of course.”
“We’l take care of it,” Wade said.
“Good. I’l leave you to her.”
This was it. Soon she’d be out of that sterile room and home where she belonged. And he’d be watching over her twenty-four hours a day. He only wished she’d agreed to staying with him. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as an image of Gracie, sprawled out on his bed, naked, those pretty green eyes of hers ful of heat, fil ed his vision. Oh, yeah, he was real y the noble guy helping a friend in need. Right.
He clutched the little slip of paper and watched her leave the hospital in a wheelchair, friends al around her. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but it’d been necessary, right? She needed to learn her place. She would quit that disgusting job now. He’d had nightmares imagining her working at a place where men and women got naked and al owed a complete stranger to touch their bodies. She was too good for a place that catered to such heathens.
She smiled at something, and his heart skipped a beat. God, she was beauty personified. Even injured she was his regal princess. Her red hair, shining like a fiery halo in the sun, framed a perfect oval face. His love. His perfect Gracie Lynn.
He’d wanted to go to her after the accident, but he’d known it wasn’t time. It was too soon. Their time would come; then she’d be his forever.
As he started the car and began to pul out of the parking space, a movement caught his attention and he stopped, stared. The large, linebacker-looking man pushing Gracie Lynn’s wheelchair stopped suddenly and leaned close. His hand rested on Gracie Lynn’s shoulder.
There was something in his expression, the way he looked at her, as if he had a right to her. He’d seen him before, of course. He was always coming in and out of that horrid little massage therapy office. When Gracie Lynn smiled up at the man, his skin turned clammy, and he clutched the steering wheel.
“No, no, no. She wouldn’t betray me. Not my sweet love. Not my Gracie Lynn.” It was nearly noon before he became aware of the tears, spil ing unchecked down his cheeks.
Gracie shifted her arm, trying to make her wrist more comfortable. It had the opposite effect, as the smal movement caused pain to shoot clear to her shoulder. She winced, but tried not to let it show. She already felt ridiculous. Wade was so strong, so capable, and she had a feeling he’d be able to handle a broken wrist with his eyes closed. She looked out the windshield and saw their turn coming up. “Turn down the next road on the right.”
Wade slowed and made the turn. He was being extra cautious in deference to what she’d been through, she knew. She started to tel him there was no need to worry, she was fine, but when they came to the S curve her heart skipped a beat. Images flashed in her mind. She remembered slamming her foot on the brake, her fingers clenching onto the steering wheel, and the horrible realization that she was about to crash. She’d thought for sure she was going to end up in the ravine. Instead she’d hit a big oak t
ree. Head on, she remembered now.
Wade slowed his black pickup truck to a crawl. “This is where it happened, huh?”
She could feel his gaze on her, but she couldn’t seem to look away from the destroyed weeds and brush where her car had torn a path into the woods. “Yeah.”
“It’s okay, Gracie.” His soothing tone calmed her nerves. “You’re stil in one piece; that’s al that matters.” He reached over and patted her on the hand.
She turned and stared at him. The tenderness in his expression melted away some of the tension. “Thank you, Wade.” She paused before adding, “For everything.”
“We’re going to find out who this guy is, sweetheart. Soon, I promise.”
He was so sure in his ability to track down her stalker and make the world a safe place again. Gracie had the feeling that if anyone could do it, Wade Harrison could. As they started moving again, she forced her mind to concentrate on her mental list of things she would need to take care of. Like checking with her neighbor, Mrs. Swinson. She needed to see if the older woman could help her out for the next few weeks while her wrist healed.
“So, do you have any friends who can come and give you a hand?”
Gracie frowned. “Do you read minds now?”
“I was just sitting here thinking about that.”
He smiled and kept his gaze on the road. She took a second to admire his profile. If only her life wasn’t such a mess she could do more than admire. She squashed that wayward thought. “My neighbor, Mrs. Swinson. She’s one of the sweetest ladies. A little nosy, but a dear.”
“Think she’l be up to helping you?”
Gracie nodded. “She’s sixty-three, but the woman is a dynamo. A rather loud, one-hundred-pound powerhouse actual y.”
He laughed. “I real y need to meet this lady.”
The thought made her cringe. Gracie could wel imagine what Mrs. Swinson would say to a gorgeous man like Wade. She definitely wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Come to think of it, she wasn’t sure she even wanted the two to meet. She didn’t need Wade any more involved with her life than necessary. Gracie’s mind turned to the meeting they’d had with the police detective after they’d left the hospital.